Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Research Channel - Feed Your Head

If left to my own devices I would be watching TED videos and those of the Research Channel. Intelligent information, discussions and alternative sources to the barking reality shows of prime time television. No insult to canines intended.

The topics range from geology, medicine, engineering, genetics, psychology and more.
Per the channel description:

Research Channel is a nonprofit media and technology organization that connects a global audience with the research and academic institutions whose developments, insights and discoveries affect our lives and futures.

This is a video from 2008 by the California State University Monterey Bay on the role that libraries play on the university campus.

The web site seems to be down at the moment so the best place to catch up on the video archive is the YouTube channel or visiting YouTube.edu

Video Tutorial on Using Boolean Operators

I love the fact that libraries are creating tutorial videos on research techniques.

This is a video from Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries on how to use Boolean Operators. You can use these in Ask.com, Bing and Google. Operators can help you target the materials you need in a search.

For more library tutorial videos check out the VCU Libraries YouTube channel.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Libros Schmibros

Libros Schmibros:
a lending library/used bookstore for Boyle Heights

2000 E. 1st St.Los Angeles, CA 90033
accessible from the Metro Gold line /Mariachi Plaza exit

Check their Blog for events and needs: http://librosschmibros.wordpress.com/

Our Partial Catalog: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/kipen
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=173562995996562

Interested in supporting Libros Schmibros?
Consider making a donation. You can do so through our parent organization, The Arroyo Project .
Your donation of $10, $25, or $50 helps us bring books and literary programming to Boyle Heights.

Questions? We’d love to hear from you. Email us at librosschmibros@gmail.com.

More information:

Reed Johnson. "Libros Schmibros is part library, part used-book seller, totally chill." LA Times Nov 9, 2010

Monday, 6 December 2010

Holiday Shopping - Amazon

Planning to go holiday shopping at Amazon? If you use the link at the bottom of PCC Shatford Library's page, you can also help support the library. The library gets 5% of what shoppers spend. You may think 5% isn't very much but it all adds up. So next time you're planning on shopping at Amazon, click here.

Public Libraries and funding

Los Angeles Times article on Los Angeles County Library System
"Los Angeles County Libraries in a Bind."
By Rong-Gong Lin II, Los Angeles Times
December 6, 2010


Private company to take over Camarillo's public library
By Steve Chawkins, Los Angeles Times
October 25, 2010

Friday, 5 November 2010

Bloglines Transfering Ownership to Merchant Circle

I received an e-mail from Bloglines/Ask.com informing me that they are transferring Bloglines to new owners MerchantCircle.com.

Per the Bloglines/Ask.com e-mail:
  • Ask.com will maintain the current Bloglines service as is until December 1, 2010. After December 1, 2010, the service will transition wholly to MerchantCircle. During the month of December, you will be able to easily port your feeds over to the MerchantCircle-powered service. It's an easy process, and we.ll provide you with complete instructions well in advance.
  • Logging-In: You will keep your same password as before.
  • Current Bloglines features: Your Bloglines subscriptions will seamlessly transition to the MerchantCircle service, however, the Clippings Tab will no longer be available and you will not be able to transport saved articles to the new service. We're very sorry for any inconvenience this will cause; the infrastructure requirements and costs are simply too great to justify maintaining this type of archiving feature.
MerchantCircle is a directory of small and local businesses. The company offers services to those vendors such as advertising placement, web directories, web site hosting and other similar services.

I am really not clear on how this is going to be a good match. The general focus of MerchantCircle is to attract small business owners to help them connect with customers. Nothing wrong with that; support your local businesses when possible.

I have to be honest. When I did use Bloglines it was not to shop. It was to connect with those sites and blogs I needed to track or visit. I'm not totally opposed to ads that support a web business. I'm just not sure how these two different kinds of web services are going to mesh with each other.

My main concern is that I don't want my contact info transferred to vendors without my explicit permission. If I don't like it I want an easy Opt-Out process.

For more info you can visit the MerchantCircle blog or e-mail your questions.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Library Tech Program Students Intern with Pasadena Digital History Collaboration

Pasadena City College Shatford Library, Pasadena Public Library and the Pasadena Museum of History are working together in a collaboration to digitize Pasadena's historical resources using CONTENTdm software. The project is known as the Pasadena Digital History Collaboration.

The PCC Foundation awarded a grant (written by PCC Library Technician Jared Burton) to fund a workshop for 10 PCC Library Technology Program students and graduates, which served as a catalyst for an internship designed to provide experience in digital asset management using OCLC’s CONTENTdm software. The paid internship started in September and will run for 12 weeks during the Fall semester. The program meets on Saturday mornings at the library and is taught by PCC Librarian Linda Stewart, formerly of OCLC. In addition to gaining experience with digital asset management software, interns are becoming skilled at scanning photographic material and creating metadata to aid in discovery and management of these special materials. Carol Cooper, PCC Cataloger, has also contributed to the project by reviewing samples of the work done by the interns and establishing subject headings for the photo descriptions.

The images that the interns are working on will be added to the online database of photos, which you can view for free at http://www.pasadenadigitalhistory.com/. This collaboration offers a chance for the public to view rare photographs depicting Pasadena’s rich history, and the internship provides our Library Tech Program students the opportunity to acquire valuable and marketable skills as they enter the library field.

Library Tech Jared Burton with Files of Historic Photos for the Digital History Collaboration

Linda Stewart Working with Students

LT Progam Students Working Hard

Linda Stewart Working with LT Progam Students

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

LinkedIn New Feature

I saw this the other day and thought I would share this here for some of you who are looking for jobs. I myself haven't used LinkedIn much but I know people who do. From the article: "Basically, students can surf through various career paths based on school, level of education and dream industry." Good luck!


By the way, Mashable is a fantastic resource to keep abreast of news about social media (which I heart), and you can find them on Facebook. :)

Monday, 4 October 2010

Snapshot Day: Tuesday, October 5

Remember that Snapshot Day is Tuesday, October 5 and we want you in the picture! Stop by the Circulation Desk for more information!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Banned Books Week

Can you imagine not being able to decide what books you can read or not read? If you don't believe me, just click on this Google Map which documents books bans and challenges around the United States from 2007-2010. Think it couldn't be possible in a liberal state such as California? Think again!

In 2009, Maya Angelou's "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" was restricted to students with parental permission at the Ocean View School District middle school libraries in Huntington Beach, Calif. because the “book’s contents were inappropriate for children.” There are other incidents of book bans or challenges in California as well.
So how can you participate? Celebrate by picking up a banned or challenged book this week. If you're not so inclined to pick up a book, watch a movie based on a banned or challenged book. Not sure what titles have been banned, ALA (American Library Association) publishes a list every year. Even classics have been banned or challenged.

Check out the 11 Most Surprising Banned Books. Even more surprising was finding out that the popular Junie B. Jones series would be in danger of being challenged or banned in my search for more information on challenged materials. Check out the commentary in Business & Heritage Clarksville about why this popular beginning readers series would cause such ruckus. Through the month of September and until October 2nd, they are running a commentary on a different book almost every day. Some of the titles included are: "The Face on the Milk Carton", "Rainbow Boys", "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Lovely Bones". Kids books include "In the Night Kitchen", "My Brother Sam is Dead", "Summer of my German Soldier" and "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry".
Banned Books Week runs from September 25-October 2 which celebrates the freedom to read. This event is not just sponsored by ALA but by bookseller associations, journalists, authors, and publishers. "Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted bannings of books across the United States." (ALA, 2008). For those of you who wonder why books would be banned or challenged, read what ALA has to say.
I love this year's theme: "Think for Yourself and Let Others Do the Same". Currently, I'm taking a Children's Literature class so I re-read "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" by Judy Blume. It's hard to believe a classic such as this would be challenged. This book made growing up just a little easier. And it endeared me all over again when I saw now why it was why it was one of my daughter's favorite books as well. It touched both of us for different reasons. It's hard to believe this book made the list for the 100 most frequently challenged books in 2000-2009 and 1990-1999. And it's even harder for me to imagine not being able to read this book. According to ALA, "Books usually are challenged with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information." Please join me this week in celebrating the right to read by picking up a banned or challenged book you've never read or an old favorite.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Be a Part of the Shatford Library's Snapshot Day on Tuesday, October 5, 2010!


The Pasadena City College Shatford Library is joining libraries across the state in participating in “Snapshot: One Day in the Life of California Libraries” on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 to show how important academic, public, school, and special libraries and library systems are to the state of California. This Snapshot Day has been developed by the California Library Association (CLA).

On Tuesday, October 5, 2010, the Shatford Library will compile statistics, customer comments, photographs, and other data chronicling a typical library day. The results collected at the Shatford Library will be added to those of other libraries across California, by CLA, to show how libraries provide invaluable services to California citizens.

Kim Bui-Burton, CLA President and Director of the Monterey Public Library, “I invite all California community members of any age to visit their library on this historic day and be a part of this first ever "snapshot" of California libraries. Every kind of library provides unique and irreplaceable services; we know this because in communities across the state library usage is rising, and demand is growing for books and other resources, knowledgeable staff assistance and computer/Internet access - despite budget cuts, reduced hours and programs. We believe this California libraries ‘snapshot’ will show the essential library services and life-changing experiences that California's communities depend on, especially during these times of severe economic distress. We look forward to capturing this "day in the life of California libraries" to demonstrate to decision makers the extent that our patrons, customers and future leaders rely on California libraries for critical library services, resources and programs - now, more than ever."

The Shatford Library is looking for people who would like to participate in Snapshot Day by sharing their stories about why the library is important to them. If you’d like to volunteer to be interviewed and/or photographed, please contact Diana Lopez, Library Technician at delopez@pasadena.edu. Come be a part of the library’s history!

California Library Snapshot Day is a project of the California Library Association.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Bloglines Shutting Down on October 1, 2010

Just found out that Ask.com is closing Bloglines on October 1, 2010. This means if you have a bunch of RSS feed links stored in Bloglines you need to find them a new home.

If you have an account you need to export your feeds quick, fast and in a hurry. The instructions are on the front page of the Bloglines website.

I know that many people used Bloglines access multiple web locations no matter where they were or what machine that they were using. I certainly used Bloglines for class related sites and to track various types of information. It was very helpful.

Alternatives to Bloglines

If you have a Google account you can import your Bloglines feeds into Google Reader. This way you can continue to access and track websites from home, work or school.

My problem with using Google Reader is that I don't want all of my RSS feeds in the same place. I have entertainment links, educational and research links that shouldn't be intermingled.

Desktop Readers:

Windows users might want to consider installing Feed Demon and Mac iPhone, iPad and desktop users may want to swing over to installing Net News Wire.

E-Mail RSS Readers:

Your e-mail program may have a News and Groups/RSS reader function. I use Thunderbird as my e-mail program and a supplemental RSS reader. Microsoft Outlook and other e-mail programs have similar functions.

The only problem is accessibility away from your primary computer.

Twitter and Facebook

Yes, this is an option if the website or blog faithfully announces new posts in their feeds. Not all do. And strange as it may seem not everyone has a Twitter or Facebook account.

You really should have some kind of link management or tracking system as long as it supports your online experience and your research needs.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

International Literacy Day

Did you know that September 8 is International Literacy Day? Neither did I till very recently. One may think literacy isn't that huge of an issue but according to the International Reading Association, " More than 780 million of the world’s adults (nearly two-thirds of whom are women) do not know how to read or write, and between 94 and 115 million children lack access to education." Without literacy, simple things as such reading a label, filling out a job application, even getting around can be virtually impossible.

Want to get more involved? Check out the International Reading Association, ProLiteracy or even your local library. Often times libraries have literacy programs which they can always use volunteers for. See the Southern California Library Literacy Program website for a list of libraries. Even if you don't see a library listed near you, it's still possible there may be a literacy program there, so ask. For example, I live in Monrovia and even though they are not on the SCLLP list, I know they have a literacy program from looking on their website in the past. Last but not least, ALA (American Library Association) has lots of information on literacy from children's to adult literacy. Check out the Office for Literacy and Outreach.

Feel you just don't have the time, then take the time to sign the ProLiteracy and Literacy Powerline's Declaration for the Right to Literacy scroll which will be presented to President Obama.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

new REFORMA scholarship for DREXEL Sacramento new iSchool students

From: "Patty Wong"
On behalf of Roberto Delgadillo,
President, California Gold Chapter, REFORMA and Chair, Drexel California Gold REFORMA Scholarship Committee 2010

Subject: [calix] Announcing a new REFORMA scholarship for DREXEL Sacramento new iSchool students

In partnership with Drexel University at Sacramento, the California Gold Chapter of REFORMA is pleased to announce a new scholarship for incoming students.

The Drexel California Gold Scholarship is a $10,000 scholarship for new students entering the Drexel University at Sacramento's iSchool in pursuit of their MLIS degree. Applicants must be college graduates or college seniors and a member of REFORMA by the time the award is given.
Applicants must also be bilingual/bicultural and/or have a demonstrated commitment to serving the Spanish-speaking community.

Deadline for the first award is September 10, 2010.

The Drexel California Gold REFORMA Scholarship will be granted only for incoming, eligible first-time students pursuing graduate study in librarianship leading to a master's degree at Drexel University, Sacramento. A single $10,000 scholarship is available per degree. Scholarship winners are notified by the end of the first month of enrollment.

Eligibility of Applicants
Applicants must be college graduates or college seniors and a member of REFORMA by the time the award is given. Applicants must also be bilingual/bicultural and/or have a demonstrated commitment to serving the Spanish-speaking community. Applicants must submit a statement of provisional acceptance by Drexel University.

Application form required.

For more information on the Drexel California Gold REFORMA Scholarship, contact:
Roberto C. Delgadillo, PhD
100 North West Quad
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-8266

Infopeople's online course "Basic Cataloging andClassification"

Please note: Infopeople is applying for LSSC (Library Support Staff Certification) certification for this course.

Title: Basic Cataloging and Classification

Format: Online Dates: October 12 – November 8, 2010

To register for this workshop: Use the online registration form at

Fee: $75 for those in the California library community and Infopeople Partners, $150 for all others.

Are you looking for an opportunity to learn basic library cataloging and classification? Update your knowledge with new developments in the field? If so, this online course is for you.

Through practical information and hands-on exercises, you will gain an understanding of cataloging practices, rules, and tools, as well as the nuts and bolts of copy cataloging. New developments―such as Resource Description and Access (RDA), the Library of Congress genre/form headings project, and Book Industry Standards and Communications (BISAC) subject headings―will be discussed as well. Tips on copy cataloging of newly emerging formats, such as e-books, graphic novels, and download media will be offered.

At the end of four weeks you will feel comfortable with the basics of cataloging, classification, and MARC records and be ready to begin copy cataloging items in a variety of formats.

Course Description: This four-week online course will provide an overview of library cataloging and classification and prepare you to do copy cataloging. Through reading materials, short video presentations, an online forum, and individual exercises, you will gain knowledge of basic cataloging rules and tools, commonly used controlled vocabularies, the Dewey Decimal Classification system, and MARC21 format. Applying this knowledge, you will be able to decode MARC bibliographic records and perform basic copy cataloging. The course will briefly discuss some new developments in cataloging rules and practices.

During the course, you will be doing assignments and taking quizzes. You will also participate in discussion forums and online meetings as part of the online learning process.

Preliminary Course Outline: Using your web browser and your Internet connection, you will log in to the Infopeople online learning site and complete the following learning modules:

· Week 1: What Is Cataloging?
Purpose of cataloging
Elements of cataloging: descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, and classification
General cataloging methods and cooperative cataloging
Introduction to AACR2r and ISBD
Introduction to RDA
· Week 2: Introduction to Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
What is LCSH?
Other controlled vocabularies – Sears, LC Genre/Form Headings, LC Children's Subject Headings, Book Industry Standards and Communications (BISAC) Subject Headings
What is DDC?
Relationship between the subject heading and a Dewey number
Verifying a DDC number for the item in hand
· Week 3: MARC Formats
What is MARC?
Elements of MARC records
Types of MARC bibliographic formats
Summary of commonly used MARC fields for bibliographic data
· Week 4: Basic Copy Cataloging
Tasks of copy cataloging
Which cataloging record to use?
Essential MARC fields to verify
Tips on copy cataloging e-books, graphic novels, and download media

Instructor: Xiaoli Li. Having worked in both public and academic libraries, Xiaoli Li has a wide range of experience with cataloging. She is an active advocate for continuing education and a trainer for "Cataloging for the 21st Century," a Library of Congress initiative. She has made numerous presentations and authored several journal articles on serials control. She chaired OCLC Post Pinyin Conversion Cleanup Project and planed several major projects for the libraries where she has worked, including Yale University Libraries, University of Washington Libraries, and most currently UC Davis.

Time required: To complete this course, you can expect to spend 2 to 2½ hours per week, with options for further study and application. You can work on each module at your own pace, at any hour of the day or night. However, it is recommended that you complete each week's assignments within that week to stay in sync with other learners.

Who Should Take This Course: Anyone from the library community with an interest in learning the basics of library cataloging and classification. This course is particularly focused on the needs of public library staff newly assigned to copy cataloging tasks. Those taking the course must have a working knowledge of the integrated library system (ILS) used in their libraries. The instructor will provide more extensive work with the Dewey Decimal Classification system than with alternatives, but Library of Congress and other classification systems currently in use will be discussed as well.

Online Learning Details and System Requirements may be found athttp://www.infopeople.org/training/learning_details.html.

After the official end date for the course, the instructor will be available for limited consultation and support for two more weeks, and the course material will stay up for an additional two weeks after that. These extra weeks give those who have fallen behind time to work independently to complete the course.

If you would like to subscribe via RSS and be notified whenever new Infopeople training events are available, you can use these links:
**For new on-ground or online workshops: http://infopeople.org/workshop/rss
**For new podcasts: http://feeds.feedburner.com/InfopeoplePodcasts

Other Logistics:

To view a complete list of Infopeople workshops and for general information about Infopeople Training opportunities, go to the main Infopeople Workshops page at http://infopeople.org/workshop

If you have questions about registration, please contact Linda Rodenspiel, the Infopeople Project Assistant, at assist@infopeople.org or by phone at 650-578-9685.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The Library Tech Blog Now Posts to the Library's Facebook Page

If you haven't already, check out the Shatford Library's Facebook page. Be sure to "like" the library's page to get all of our latest news. The Library Technology Blog is now linked to the Shatford Library's Facebook page, so updates will automatically appear there, too! If you don't see the updates on the wall, try clicking on the "Notes" tab. We hope to see you on Facebook!

Saturday, 28 August 2010

The Dewey Blog - All Dewey All The Time

I miss getting a daily or weekly dose of library news, education and all around juice. Here is a goody I should visit more than I do, 025.431 The Dewey Blog.

025.431 The Dewey Blog
Yes, life in classification. As a side benefit you can observe how to construct Dewey numbers. How would you classify a salad? Need to know how to classify a book about Star Trek? What about Water Lilies?

Not only can you see Dewey classification in action, you can also check out the various Dewey communities both national and international.

If you are taking a classification class and you need real world examples of constructing Dewey numbers this is the place.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Librarians in the Movies

Huffington Post 8/16/10
Librarians Save The Day! 11 Great Movies In Which They Star

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/16/librarians-save-the-day-1_n_672494.htm l

Subsidy Available for Library Support Staff Certification Program

From Gerald Maginnity
Subject: Subsidy Available for Library Support Staff Certification Program

The Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program is accepting applications for 55 subsidies of $200 from LSSC Candidates to enroll in and complete LSSC-approved courses. Candidates who receive a subsidy award will receive a $200 reimbursement after they pay for, and complete, an LSSC-approved course.

To apply for a subsidy, candidates must be accepted in the LSSC Program by September 15, 2010. Subsidy recipients must successfully complete one of LSSC's Approved Courses by April 1, 2011:

Candidates must apply for the subsidy by September 15. The LSSC Program staff will select recipients using a random selection process and announce subsidy awards on September 27.

LSSC is a national, voluntary certification program administered by the American Library Association-Allied Profession Association (ALA-APA).

The LSSC Program is partially funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. For more information, please contact LSSC Program staff via e-mail lssc@ala.org

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Penguin Books Amplified Version of Pillers of the Earth

In the library technology program there is an on-going challenge to define what is a book. The meaning is evolving. There are audio books, books in electronic form and now, according to Penguin Books, amplified versions that will continue to stretch the definition.

One thing to consider is the source material. The original book from author Ken Follett was made into a television series. The amplified book contains the original text of the book, photos and videos from the television show, a full music score and extras.

From a fan point of view this is terrific. There can be total immersion in the world of the story and the creation of the book and television program. From a writer/author point of view I think I'd start to freak out a little.

Is It Still A Book?

The original book is contained in the media presented so yes, it is still a book. For certain types of fiction this is going to be fantastic.

For other non-visual or more introspective types of fiction there is going to be increasing problems to convince a mainstream publisher to give those types of books a chance in the marketplace. Not every fiction book can lend itself to a television or movie version.

There are books that are truly a one-to-one type of communication. My concern is that those books will not easily be printed or digitized.

What then? How will those books be published and by whom? Can print and electronic books co-exist or are there more changes to come. Stay tuned.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

At Your Local Library - Adult Summer Programs

Think library summer reading programs are just for kids? Think again! Check out your local library and see what's happening.

At Pasadena Public Library, check out the Adult Summer Program where you can make Simple Summer Salad Suppers to take home on July 31st, meet other yarn lovers at Yarn Projects from the Heart interested in knitting or crocheting for charity on July 24th and August 28th, and the 12th Baseball Reliquary, Shrine of the Eternals Induction Day 2010 hosted by PCC Library Tech Program alumni, Terry Cannon.

It's not too late to sign up for I (S)cream for Books Adult Summer Reading Program at Alhambra Public Library. The reading program runs till July 31st. For every week, you can earn an incentive prize with a chance ticket for the grand prize.

At Arcadia Public Library, the theme is Water Your Mind: Read. Registration is online till July 24th with the program running till the end of the month. In addition, there is a Themed Movie Night on July 14th at 6pm and an Introduction to Ikebana on July 28th at 6:30pm.

So if you're yearning for those childhood library summer reading days, stop on by your local library and see what they have for adults these days. You just might be pleasantly surprised.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Group Information Meetings - UCLA MLIS Program

The UCLA Department of Information Studies encourages applicants and prospective MLIS applicants to attend Group Information Meetings. At each meeting, the IS Student Affairs Officer will present an overview of the program and then respond to questions regarding MLIS degree requirements, program structure, the library/information science profession, and the admissions process.
Schedule and location information: http://is.gseis.ucla.edu/admissions/infomtg.htm
Please contact the Student Affairs Officer to indicate which information session you plan on attending by phone (310) 825-5269 or by e-mail at abler@gseis.ucla.edu to indicate which meeting you plan to attend.
All meetings will be held in the GSE&IS building on the north side of the UCLA campus (see address below) -- directions and map.
ABSOLUTE application DEADLINE: November 30, 2010. All items must be received or postmarked by that date.

A golden apple and a pink slip

Congratulations to PCC Library Technology Certificate Program alumni and Alhambra High School library technician Terry Cannon who is Alhambra High's employee of the year and a popular library worker.
Unfortunately he now finds himself unemployed along with the other District library technicians in Alhambra and other area school districts.

Read the June 23, 2010 Los Angeles Times article by Steve Lopez

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Haunted Love Librarian Video

There are those people on mission. I'd say the ladies in this video are more a reflection of days gone by but I kinda liked how it ended.

From the band, Haunted Love comes this 2006 music video on trouble in the stacks.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

More Library Whimsy - Librarians Do Gaga

Catalogers have got the beat. Yes, Lady Gaga influence has hit the reference zone. This is a bit of fun from the University of Washington's Information School.

Sarah Watcher has got the skivvy on how the video came together. You can also get the lyrics to the song on her blog. Sarah will be getting her masters in library and information science in June of 2010.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

IPL2 - Video Outreach and Services

Back in the day long before I entered the Library Technology program I knew about the Internet Public Library. It was a place to check out if they had a source or two. As the resources on the Internet have change so has the Internet Public Library.

The site has merged with Librarians Internet Index and is now a shared resource partnership among a number of library schools joining in a consortium. Now known as IPL2, it continues to have vetted lists of viable resources.

This means more goodies and zero spam. It is also another way to contact a librarian for questions and research assistance.

The special collections pages target specific areas of interest such as U.S. state information, podcasting, Deaf and hard of hearing resources and more.

Before you Ask.com, Bing or Google take a moment to review IPL2 resources which still use the legacy web address www.ipl.org

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Part Time Library Clerk Position at CalTech (Pasadena)


There is a part-time Library Clerk Position open at CalTech (California Technical Institute) in Pasadena (very near PCC). It's not a Library Tech position, but it could be a foot in the door!

Here is the link:


The application deadline is June 15th so Good luck!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

CLA Scholarship Available: Reference Service Press Fellowship

Are you a college senior or college graduate who has been accepted into an ALA-accredited Master of Library Science program? Or, have you just started to pursue your MLS?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, and are interested in pursuing a career in reference or information service librarianship, you are encouraged to apply for the CLA Reference Service Press Fellowship, which awards $3,000 to incoming and beginning MLS students (those who have completed 9 credits or less in their programs).

To apply, please visit the CLA website at www.cla-net.org/awards/rspf.php and turn in your application no later than June 30, 2010. The funding for this fellowship is provided by Reference Service Press, a California-based publishing company. The program is administered by the California Library Association, an association of individuals and institutions devoted to the development of library service for all California residents.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Library humor

NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me provided a bit of library humor last weekend, when Bluff the Listener panelists told three stories of libraries adapting to the changing times. Only one of the stories is true. Can you guess which one?

You can either link to it:

Saturday, 22 May 2010

The End of Publishing Video by DK

This is a text video with voice narration. Stay with it to the very end and then take a sigh of relief. But only for a little while. This is a video by Dorling Kindersley Books aka DK.

Book publishers have a strong vested interest in staying in business. Publishers have an equal desire to make sure that we, the public, understand that they understand our wants, needs and perceptions have changed.

DK is a publishing company in the United Kingdom that does sell book here in the U.S. Usually DK books are visual, well designed how-to books and guides. This video was originally produced for a sales meeting but word got out about it and it was released to the public.

I am of two minds about it. I think it is a great execution of an idea to see the the younger generation/electronic reading public in a new light beyond statistics.

And yet with the current levels of public discussions about history, politics and culture I worry that the only ones who truly care about the dissemination of information are the people that sell it and the caretakers that want to see it shared without bias.

In the video there is a mention of Lady Gaga as a indicator of what is important. I don't want to leave the impression that I'm picking on Lady Gaga or using her as an example of the mush that passes for brain in this country.

I think she is a brilliant performer who understands how to use the tools of communication to control her content and her distribution channels.

Libraries and the people that love them don't do as well at promotion. But I'm not gonna roll soda or beer cans in my hair either. How does a library, even a college library continue to state its importance to the communities that it serves?

How do you do that when there is no money? So this video got me thinking. I hope it does the same for you.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Scholarship Opportunity for School & Public Youth Services Librarians

**Full-Tuition Scholarships Still Available!
Last Chance to Apply: June 15, 2010 (for Fall 2010 semester start)

SHARING SUCCESS! Educating Professional Leaders in School and Public Youth Services Librarianship
The Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is awarding a limited number of two-year FULL-TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS to outstanding and diverse students whoalready hold a master's degree, have a strong interest in YOUTH SERVICESLIBRARIANSHIP, and are admitted to the GSLIS Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) program for Fall 2010.
(Deadline for application: June 15, 2010.)

Sharing Success will allow outstanding library practitioners to FURTHER THEIR EDUCATION AND TRAINING related to youth services librarianship. In addition,the program will provide institutional support for these students to DEVELOPCONTINUING EDUCATION WORKSHOPS for other professionals. Through these activities, Sharing Success will help broaden the base of youth serviceslibrarians who can provide quality continuing education for their practitioner peers in school and public libraries and contribute to best practices andresearch in this field.
Students selected for Sharing Success will ideally represent diversepopulations. They will also have either significant experience in youth services or substantial experience in another area of librarianship and demonstrate a commitment to changing their career focus to the area of youth services.
The Sharing Success CAS is a 40-CREDIT HOUR DEGREE PROGRAM open to professionals who hold a master's degree in library and information scienceor a closely related field and desire to update their skills, gain greater specialization in their professional training, or redirect their careers from one area to another. Students complete 32-credit hours of coursework with the remaining 8-credit hours devoted to an independent final project. As part of their CAS work, Sharing Success students will complete a research project that relates to youth services and develop a continuing education workshop based on this research. They will present their research-in-progressor completed workshops to an audience of GSLIS students and faculty as well asto their target audience of youth services practitioners. During each of the two years that students receive tuition funding, Sharing Success students will also receive funding to support travel to professional conferences.Sharing Success is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Would you like to learn more? Up-to-date information about Sharing Success is available at http://sharingsuccess.lis.illinois.edu/
Application requirements and procedures are available at http://www.lis.illinois.edu/academics/programs/cas-ss

Please pass this information along to anyone who might be interested.
A PDF flyer is available for download at http://sharingsuccess.lis.illinois.edu/
Questions? E-mail: sharingsuccess@mail.lis.illinois.edu

Summer 2010 California Rare Book School - UCLA

Date: Wed, 12 May 2010
From: California Rare Book School calrbs@gseis.ucla.edu

Summer 2010 California Rare Book School application available

In August 2010, California Rare Book School at UCLA will offer 8 week-long courses (M-F, from 9 am - 5pm) on topics of interest to librarians, archivists, booksellers, collectors, and students.

A limited number of scholarships are available.

WEEK 1: 2-6 August 2010 Faculty: Terry Belanger, Director Emeritus, Rare Book School, University of Virginia Course: Descriptive Bibliography

  • Course: Book Illustration Processes to 1900
    Faculty: Bruce Whiteman, The William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA
  • Course: Rare Book Cataloging
    Faculty: Randal Brandt, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
  • Course: Special Collections Librarianship: Operations & Administration
    Faculty: Lynda Claassen, University of California San Diego and David Zeidberg, Huntington Library & Botanical Gardens

WEEK 2: 9-13 August 2010

  • Course: Artists' Books: Collection Development and Assessment
    Faculty: Johanna Drucker, The Bernard and Martin Breslauer Professor of Bibliography, UCLA
  • Course: Books of the Far West, with an Emphasis on California
    Faculty: Gary F. Kurutz, California State Library
  • Course: Preservation Stewardship of Library Collections
    Faculty: Mark S. Roosa, Pepperdine University
  • Course: History of the Book, 200-1820
    Faculty: Susan Allen, The Getty Research Institute

For more information about courses please visit http://www.calrbs.org/courses.html .

Admission to CalRBS is conducted on a rolling basis until the course is full. Admission is determined by the instructor(s) of the course, based upon the information provided in your application. Early application is encouraged. Applications are available on the CalRBS website http://www.calrbs.org/applications.html>. Note that starting in 2010, CalRBS will no longer require a letter of recommendation to apply.

The tuition for each CalRBS 2010 course is $995. If a student takes a course in week 1 and week 2, the tuition is $1,800 for both courses. For information about travel to and accommodations in Los Angeles, please visit our website http://www.calrbs.org/travel.html

Please direct questions to CalRBS Project Manager Ryan L. Roth atrlroth@ucla.edu.-California Rare Book School254 GSEIS Building Box 951520300 Charles E. Young Drive N.Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520Phone 310-794-4138Fax 310-206-4460

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

CLA Begun Scholarship for continuing California Library School Students

Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 11:43:29 -0700 (PDT)

From: Jeff Wyner

Subject: [calix] Free scholarship money

CLA's Begun Scholarship Committee is seeking applicants for our annual $3,000 scholarship. The Begun Scholarship, named in memory of former librarian Betty Begun, supports continuing library school students who have demonstrated a commitment to becoming children's or young adult librarians in a California public library. This is open to any student currently attending library school

(full- or part-time). The applicant must be a permanent California resident.

A more complete description of the scholarship and application process, along with the application form, is available at:


Please pass this along to anyone that you believe may be interested. All completed applications MUST be received by July 1, 2010.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Library of Congress to preserve Twitter posts

Library of Congress to preserve Twitter posts
(AP) – Apr 14, 2010
SAN FRANCISCO — That Twitter message you just posted about your ham sandwich might now become part of history.
Twitter is donating its archives of tweets to the Library of Congress, going back to the first one posted by co-founder Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006. It wasn't a profound moment, and Dorsey didn't come close to Twitter's 140-character limit for messages. He simply posted "Jack," according to the Library of Congress' archives.
Twitter and the Library of Congress announced their partnership Wednesday.
The Library of Congress wants to store tweets to give researchers a better way to revisit discussions of significant events, including the tweets that occurred after President Obama's election in 2008, during the protests in Iran last year and the earthquakes in Haiti and elsewhere this year.
Only tweets meant for public viewing will be available, though. Accounts with more restrictive privacy settings won't be included.
There's also another limitation: Twitter said the Library of Congress won't be able to offer access to specific tweets until six months after they're posted. That means the Library of Congress' archive will always been missing billions of tweets, based on the 55 million daily tweets that Twitter says it's now processing.
In a separate deal announced Wednesday, Internet search leader Google also began to draw upon tweeting history with a new tool that will allow people to sift through Twitter messages about specific topics by day, month or year. Only tweets going back to Feb. 11 of this year will be available initially, but Google eventually expects to gain access to all the messages dating back to Twitter's birth.
Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

UNT/CSUN LA LISSA First Annual All School Day

Invitation - UNT/CSUN LA LISSA First Annual All School Day.

Please join the UNT/CSUN LA LISSA group at the First Annual All School Day event

Saturday, May 22 from 10-1pm at the Glendale Central Public Library Auditorium in Glendale, CA, http://library.ci.glendale.ca.us/central.asp.

The theme is "Exploring your opportunities: What's at the end of the Rainbow?
A look at the broader spectrum of library careers".

3 hours free parking at Market Place Parking structure with validation. Lunch is $5 cash.

RSVP to untlalissa@gmail.com by May 14 with choice of 1. ham, 2. turkey or 3. vegetarian. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Video of The Walker Library of Human Imagination

Personal libraries can range from a pile beside the bed or extraordinary works of art and science. The Walker Library is the personal library of Jay Walker and it is a stunning collection that was built in 2002.

The Walker LibraryUnfortunately I can't seem to embed the video but this is something any book junkie will want to take a peep at. You can visit Walker Digital to view the video and more information about the library or visit filmmaker David Hoffman's YouTube channel for a bandwidth friendly version.

Even from a distance it is a stunning visual of one man's need to collect information.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

C-Span Video Library Now Online

Hi folks, it has been awhile but I finally scrounge up a spare minute or two. This is a great discovery and I'm breaking my vow of silence to share it with you. C-Span records the activities of the U.S. House and SenateVideo Archives of C-Span. There are three C-Span channels that have interview programs, discussions and special features when Congress is not in session.

I just found out that C-Span has placed almost their entire archive online. You can now visit the C-Span Video Library.

160,000 hours and 23 years of video documentation. We now have an accessible video historical record of what was said in the U.S. House and Senate.

You can obtain the full text and context of what a Senator or Representative said, not just the sound bites that you might have heard on the news.

From the About C-Span Video Library page:
Programs are indexed by subject, speaker names, titles, affiliations, sponsors, committees, categories, formats, policy groups, keywords, and location. The congressional sessions and committee hearings are indexed by person with full-text. The video collection can be searched through the online Video Library.
It gets better. There is a caption transcript of what was said on the floor. You can also read the Congressional Record version of the remarks.

And for those of you who like to share but wish to keep it on the ethical side of the fence I have something for you too. There is a section of C-Span called Congressional Chronicles. In this section you can share the video link, embed the videos on your web site or blog. The videos in this specific section are in the Public Domain.

Other videos outside of the Congressional Chronicles pages may have other copyright or other restrictions.

So if you have a need to prove that so-and-so said whatzit and they were standing on the floor of the House or Senate you can present the ocular proof.

History buffs are fanning themselves in joy.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

One City, One Story 2010

If you haven't heard yet, this year's One City, One Story taking place in Pasadena is Alan Drew's novel, "Gardens of Water." There are various events taking place this month all over Pasadena. Even though we're partially done with this month, there are still many events left to catch. Take a look at the Calendar of Events to see what's happening. One can catch a Turkish cooking demonstration on Saturday, March 20 at the San Rafael Branch Library at 11am. If you're interested in participating in a book discussion of Gardens of Water, check the Calendar of Events for various dates and locations. You can also see a compiled list of all the events on the Shatford Library's website as well.

This Sunday, March 14, you can spend An Afternoon with Alan Drew at the Pasadena Convention Center from 3:30-5:30pm. Unfortunately, I probably will not be in attendance but I highly recommend going if you can. I was in attendance for last year's One City, One Story 2009 final event, An Afternoon with author Luis Alberto Urrea. I thoroughly enjoyed that afternoon listening to Luis Alberto Urrea talk about writing "The Hummingbird's Daughter."

In addition, Alan Drew will be on campus tomorrow, March 12 at 9am in the Creveling Lounge located in the new Campus Center. For other related events to be held on the PCC campuses, check out the schedule on the Shatford Library's website.

Last year was the first year I ever participated in a One City, One Story event and it was exciting as a sideline participant. This year, I will be an active participant in a One City, One Story event of the adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet" based on Alan Drew's novel, "Gardens of Water" here at Pasadena City College. When I started getting back into theatre again, little did I know I could and would be able to combine these two passions of mine together. I'm very honored and excited to be a part of this year's One City, One Story. Show times are at 8pm, Thursday, March 25-Saturday, March 27 and at 2pm Saturday, March 27 in the Little Theater (C-106). Admission is free but seating is limited to about 100 people. Free tickets will be distributed starting 45 minutes before the show starts on a first come, first serve basis.

If you haven't yet read "Gardens of Water," I highly recommend it. Alan Drew captured my attention from the first page of his novel. Right now, most of the copies here at Shatford Library are checked out. If you attend this Sunday's event, you can buy the book and meet the author as well. A win-win situation that I'm still considering myself. If you've never taken part in a One City, One Story before, you're missing out on a great series of community events. So take the plunge, and dive into an incredible experience awaiting you.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

California Library Association - Spring Fling Workshops

CLA is reaching out and bringing programs to you!
CLA Spring Fling Workshops and Training (http://www.cla-net.org/events/spring-fling.php )
The Spring Fling offers training and networking opportunities for the library community from March through June 2010.
Programs will take place in both northern and southern California, events range from training workshops to panel discussions and social activities.
Join us at a Spring Fling event to learn new skills, enjoy a cultural event and find people with shared interests! Workshops include: resume, career development, children's programs, technical services, etc.)
Registration discounts are available for CLA members while further savings have been made for library students. If you are not a CLA Member, we encourage you to join by visiting www.regonline.com/CLA_Membership.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Friends of the Chinatown Library - Scholarship for Library Studies

Friends of the Chinatown Library
Dolores Wong Scholarship for Library Studies ($2,500)
2010 Application

The Friends of the Chinatown Library is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, incorporated in 1977, to support the Chinatown Branch Library of the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) system. The Chinatown Branch Library provides library and community services to the ethnically and socio-economically diverse community of the LA Chinatown neighborhood. Across more than 70 branch libraries, the Chinatown Branch Library ranks amongst the top three in traffic and circulation.

One of the unique and prized features of the Chinatown Branch Library is the Chinese Heritage Collection, which consists of books and materials on Chinese and Chinese-American civilization and culture. This collection is the largest and most comprehensive of its type within the LAPL system.

The Dolores Wong Scholarship for Library Studies will award $2,500 to an AA or MA student in the field of Library Studies with a demonstrated interest and involvement in serving the Chinese-American community. Dolores Wong is an original founder and, with her late husband Judge Delbert Wong, a major donor of the Chinatown Library.

To be eligible, you must:

1) Be presently enrolled as an AA, Library Technician or MA, Library Sciences student.
2) Be available to attend the Scholarship Award Dinner in meet Dolores and receive the award check on Saturday, June 5, 2010, at 6:30pm, at the Golden Dragon Restaurant in Los Angeles Chinatown at 960 North Broadway LA, CA 90012.
3) Have a minimum 3.5 GPA in your Library Studies classes.
4) Return completed application package to the library by Saturday, April 17, 2010.
a. Application Form
b. 2 Typed Personal Statements (max of one page each)
c. Copies of all college transcripts to date (in a sealed envelope with the school stamp across the seal).

Complete application package should be mailed or hand-delivered by Saturday, April 17, 2010, to:

Dolores Wong Scholarship for Library Studies
Friends of the Chinatown Library
Chinatown Branch Library
639 N. Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

American Library Association Scholarship Program

The American Library Association (ALA) is committed to promoting and advancing the librarian profession. To demonstrate this commitment, the ALA and its units provide more than $300,000 annually for study in a master's degree in library and information studies from an ALA accredited program, or for a master's degree in school library media program that meets the ALA curriculum guidelines for a National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) accredited unit.
The scholarship process is open annually from October - March. Applications and reference forms (which must be submitted on-line) are available during that time period. Instructions and general information remain available year round.


Thursday, 21 January 2010


New resource for library workers: Libraryworks.com

Includes library job announcements and online access to selected library trade publications.

From their website:
Our mission is to help you to make informed, cost-efficient decisions about products and services for your library.
LibraryWorks, a service provided free of charge to the library community, is designed and delivered to enable administrators, librarians and media specialists to identify best practices, discover special offers and discounts on products and services, learn of new technologies and services, and other resources to help them and their libraries to thrive."