Monday, 13 August 2012

RDA Templates Demo Video - Library of Congress

The cataloging process is evolving. Once upon a time I spent my evenings trying to get a grip on MARC, Dewey and AACR2. To stay in the game you have to be willing to keep up to date with the changes in the field.

Resource Description and Access (RDA) is the next level of library cataloging. This is a video by the Library of Congress by Cataloging educator Deborah Fritz and library software developer Richard Fritz.

This is an opportunity to take a look at a prototype of RDA and to get a sense of where cataloging is going. 

For a transcript of this presentation or to view it in Real Media format, you can visit the Library of Congress RDA Templates web page.

If you would like to get your hands of the software mentioned in the video you can visit the RIMMF wiki and download the software. The software is under a Creative Commons license and is free to use for educational and non-commercial purposes only.