Wednesday, 28 March 2012

U.S. Public Libraries: A Snapshot of Priorities & Perspectives

This new report details findings from a study OCLC conducted with libraries in mid-2011 to learn about their priorities, initiatives, thoughts on the future of their service points and the sources they use to keep up with developments in the library field. Nearly 1300 public library staff including directors, managers and librarians participated in the study.

Select Key Findings Most public library staff:

  • Are focusing their priorities on Internet access, demonstrating value to funders and delivering e-content

  • Are concentrating on e-books as their top current initiative

  • Rely mostly on listservs and email to stay current—while just a few use social media

  • Opinions are split on the make-up of service points in the future

  • The top priority for public library directors is demonstrating the library's value to funders

Full report available from:

Monday, 26 March 2012

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

One City, One Story 2012

This year is Pasadena Public Library's (PPL) 10th year of One City, One Story with Geraldine Brooks', People of the Book. If you are interested in checking out this book, you can download an ebook, listen to an audiobook or get a print version with your PPL library card. Also, the Shatford Library at PCC has multiple print copies available to borrow as well.

If you have not had a chance to participate in any of the One City, One Story events, it is not too late to do so. Tomorrow Geraldine Brooks will be at Pasadena City College from 2-3:30pm at the Creveling Lounge. She will be discussing her experiences in writing historical fiction with a Q & A session following. Brooks will be signing books at this event as well.

Tomorrow at 7pm is Conversation with Geraldine Brooks at All Saints Church which is located at 132 N. Euclid Avenue. The director of PPL, Jan Sanders, will talk with Brooks' about her experiences writing People of the Book. A Q&A session will follow in addition to a book signing.

If you cannnot catch Brooks tomorrow night, she will also be at Caltech on Friday, March 23 at 3pm. in the Baxter Lecture Hall in Bldg. 77 which is at 1200 E. California Blvd.

Other events include Flavors of the Book, a cooking workshop presented by Old Town Cooking School at the San Rafael Branch located at 1240 Nithsdale Road on Saturday, March 24 at 11am.

For those interested in old manuscripts, Sara S. Hodson, Curator of the Literary Manuscripts of the Huntington Library, will be giving an illustrated talk on medieval manuscripts using examples from the Huntington Library's collections. This will take place in the Donald R. Wright Auditorium at the Central Library at 285 E. Walnut Blvd at 2pm.

For those interested in participating in a book discussion, check out the La Pintoresca Branch Library which is located at 1344 N. Raymond Avenue on Saturday, March 24 at 1pm or the Lamanda Park Branch Library which is located at 140 S. Altadena Dr. on Monday, March 26 at 11am.

If you had a chance to attend any of the One City, One Story 2012 events, feel free to share your experiences. I will be attending Brooks' talk at PCC tomorrow and will share my experience in a future posting.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Transmedia and Mr. Morris Lessmore

It isn't often that an animated film about books gets any kind of attention. As bookaholics and library students you should know about the 2012 winner of an Oscar® for Best Animated Short film.

The Fantastic Flying Adventures of Mr. Morris Lessmore is a touching film about a man's adventures with books. The movie does not contain dialog but there is an expressive musical track.  If you haven't seen the movie take a look at the trailer.

You can watch the full authorized version of the movie on iTunes. There are bootleg versions in other locations. We all need to make a better effort to respect copyright. I won't link to those versions.

For me, the movie operates on many levels. I can appreciate it as a love poem to reading and traditional books. According to the producers of the film, it is also an homage to the great silent film start Buster Keaton. I can clearly seen Buster's spirit giving the okay on this honor.


It is also one of many growing examples of transmedia. Think of transmedia as a tree with many branches. You have your source material that can be extended with new content to other platforms.

This isn't new. Spiderman started out as a comic book. Then an animated series, a live action television show, a movie series and a theatrical show on Broadway.  This is the digital version of transmedia.

Mr. Morris Lessmore's adventures will be converted to a picture book based on the movie. There is a supporting iTunes application where users can explore the world of Mr. Morris Lessmore and interact with some of the characters.

What Does This Mean?

Well, it could mean that when you get a request for a book you might need to consider offering related content. There might be a physical book, a recording, and an app on Android, iOS or Windows smartphones and tables. (Trust me, there will be an Windows tablet.)

There could be a web site that supports the book or a fan community that is adding content to their shared experiences. Or an electronic book that is only located in the Nook, Kobo, Google or Kindles stores.

This is an extension of knowing your collection. Collections, as the trailer and movie demonstrate, have a life of their own.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Library Support Staff Certification - Registration Assistance

Are you a graduate of PCC's Library Technology Program?

PCC's Library Technology Certificate courses are now approved by the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA).
The Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program is a national certification program that allows library support staff to demonstrate their competencies and be certified by the American Library Association.
In January 2012, the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) completed an agreement with the Pasadena City College (PCC) Library Technology Certificate Program. This agreement allows PCC graduates to apply for the Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) without having to complete additional courses or portfolios.

Press Release: American Libraries -ALA News 2/7/12
"Library Support Staff Certificatio (LSSC) program recognizes Pasadena City College Graduates"

Apply for the Library Support Staff Certification

Visit the LSSC website for more information on the certification, competency skills sets, eligibility requirements and the online application: (

Eligibility: High school diploma or GED and one year library experience, paid or unpaid (1820 hours collectively over five years)

Certification Requirement: Completion of PCC’s Library Technology Certificate of Achievement or other approved coursework and/or submit portfolio documenting achievement of six LSSC competency sets.

Enrollment: Apply at:
Cost: $350 ($325 if ALA member) See below for financial assistance opportunity

View the free Webinar on the LSSC certification. schedule and archived presentations:
contact:Ian Lashbrook - ALA-APA 800.545.2433 ext 2424

LSSC Registration Assistance Award

Along with this agreement, PCC can award up to 10 Registration Assistance scholarships to eligible graduates (2009-2012). Registration Assistance Awardees will receive a $175 credit toward the $350 fee for the LSSC Library Technology Certificate. Complete the following online application to apply for a Registration Assistance Award. Application deadline: June 1, 2012.
Application for LSSC Certification Registration Assistance
Note: if more than 10 eligible applications are received, registration assistance awards will be awarded by lottery.

Contact Information:
Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail the program coordinator for assistance:Krista Goguen (626 585-7832)